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Let's Get Started on Planning your First Wine Tasting!
We know that you will have lots of questions about leading your first tasting.  Thats why we recommend that you plan your first tasting with supportive wine loving friends and family.  You will feel more comfortable and this gives you a chance to practice and feel more comfortable leading wine tastings.  You do not have to be perfect or know everything about wine.  We will make your first wine tasting easy for you to do and you will appear as the wine professional that you are!

The perks of having your first tasting quickly: Earning additional income with Boisset's JumpStart program

  ✅ Choose your Wine Tasting Date and your Tasting Experience.

Look at your calendar and choose a date for your first tasting. Most Wine Ambassadors find that the best days for Wine tastings are Thursday, Friday & Saturday evenings and Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  Choose a day and time that works best for you.  

Now choose your Wine Tasting Experience.  This is easy if you purchased the Essentials Package or the Deluxe Package when you became an ambassador.  Simply choose one of those Tasting experiences for your first tasting.  If you purchased the Digital Package when you joined, Sign in to your website, then go to Shop > Wine Flights and choose one of the experiences and order the wine flight.

SUCCESS TIP: Choose 2 wine tasting dates.  That way if a guest can't make your first date, you can invite them to your 2nd wine tasting date.

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 ✅ How to Invite Guests to your Wine Tasting

Boisset Collection has created a Host Tasting Guide to help you with this.  Click the button to access the Guide and follow it.  It will give you suggestions for who to invite and a script for your invitation.

Note: This is the same document that you will send to anyone who is hosting a wine tasting for you with their friends.

SUCCESS TIP: Call all of your guest to invite them personally as well as sending them an invitation via email or via an invite app. You can provide them more information about the tasting and what to expect.  





Boisset Collection has created YOUR GUIDE TO BOOKING TASTINGS & GETTING PHONE ORDERS to help you with this.  Click the button to access the guide and follow the scripts.  The scripts help guide you through different conversations and what to say if you receive any of peoples most common concerns about hosting a wine tasting with their wine loving friends.

SUCCESS TIP: If you need additional guidance or support, call your sponsor and schedule a meeting or attend any of our Wine Influencers Tuesday Trainings and ask your questions or to talk through your concerns.


 🍷 Prepping for your First Wine Tasting

Believe it or not, Boisset has created everything you need to lead your first wine tasting!  Whether you prefer to watch videos, read a document or both, we have the resources to help you be a Wine Professional.

Here's your list of resources to prepare:

  1. Watch video #12 in the Ambassador Academy   Sign in to your website, from the menu and select My Office > Boisset Ambassador Academy and scroll down to video #12.

  2. Read the GUIDE TO LEADING EXCEPTIONAL TASTINGS.  This is also a guide that you can use during your wine tasting.  You can either print it out or have it on your digital device at the tasting.
    Click the link to access the guide:


  3. Watch Marnie Old's Training Videos on YouTube.

After you have watched the videos and read through the guide, then you're ready to start learning about the wines and the resources to print to set a beautiful table for your Wine Tasting!​



You choose your personal training style. 

Come to everything as often and as many times as you like or come to everything only once or when it's convenient for you.  This is your wine business and you decide what works best for you.  Our goal is for you to feel comfortable leading wine tastings for others.



This is the FUN part!  Yes, it's a bit intimidating, but if you use the beautiful tools that Boisset has provided for you, then you will appear to be the Wine Professional that you are.

Find the Wine Experience/Flight on your website that you are using for your tasting.  Sign in to your website, go to SHOP>Wine Flights and click on the flight that you are using for your tasting.

  1. Scroll down to the button that says 'Tasting Guide' and click on it.  This is your Wine Menu and Tasting Mat to print out for your tasting.  Read the menu and the Mat to familiarize yourself with the wines.  A day or two before the tasting you are going to print one menu and mat for each guest, plus one for yourself.

  2. Continue to scroll down down on the wine flight page until you see Ambassador Materials.  Click on the "Experience Slides date range" that corresponds with the date that you purchased the flight or became an ambassador.  This has everything you need to know about the wines, wineries and wine facts/education for your tasting.  Read it and practice talking about the wines.

  3. View the Wine Details on each wines page.  To find this, scroll back up to the list of wines.  Click on the first wine and it will take you to that wines page.  From there, you will see tabs for Description,  Tasting Notes, Wine Making, Tech Notes and Pairs Well with.  Click on each tab for more information.  

PRO TIP: Print the Wine's Tech Notes.  From the Tech Notes Tab, click on the .PDF link to access the tech note document.  Take this to your tasting.  If anyone has any questions on the wine, you can share this document with them and continue with the tasting.​

Now it's time to Practice. Practice. Practice.  
Practice with your sponsor.  Practice with your supportive partner and/or friends.  Practice in front of the mirror.  You will be nervous for your first tasting, but the more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel during the tasting.

If you need help or support, reach out to your sponsor so they can help you.

The goal is to have fun!  So try not to stress out too much.  Boisset has provided all of the information, so take the info with you to the tasting so you can reference it during the tasting.  

You will do great!!!

Need Help or Support?  Join us on Tuesdays for our Wine Ambassador Events and Trainings

Bridget Dwyer

Associate Ambassador

Attending the Tuesday, Wine Influencers Ambassadors Trainings has helped me grow my Boisset business and support my new Ambassadors.


The Thursday Wine Tastings provided me with the confidence and knowledge to schedule Virtual Wine Tastings.  From my Virtual Tastings, I acquire new Wine

Society members.


I continue to attend the weekly Ambassador Trainings. 

Cassandra Melhuish Boisset Ambassador.he

Cassandra Melhuish

Managing Director

I love my wine business and I wanted to create a community of Wine Ambassadors that thrive in this business together!  I created the Wine Influencers Team to be a place where we can all exist and enjoy wine together.  To learn about wine and succeed together based on our personal definition of success.  Our leaders have joined together to create this remarkable training program for everyone to learn and grow together.  I'm so proud and honored to be the Managing Director of this amazing team!


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